Unfortunately, my primary discount broker, TD Ameritrade, no longer participates in IPO’s. Here are my attempts at getting my hands on some shares of the Visa IPO:
(1) E*Trade – No Visa, but an IPO offering for Pogo Jet. What’s that….??? I’m staying away from that one.
(2) Fidelity Investments – They have the Visa IPO offering, but minimum account balance of $500,000 is required to participate. Nope, not there yet…
(3) Called a broker with one of the underwriting firms about opening an account and participating in the upcoming Visa IPO. I received the following response: the firm requires a minimum account balance of $5,000,000. Do you want to open an account? My response… Ummm… No Thanks…
(4) I finally might have success… I called another underwriting firm and they were helpful in opening an account to participate in the IPO. They walked me through the application process. Of course there are no guarantees in obtaining shares. If I’m able to obtain some IPO shares from this firm, I’ll start to do some business with them.