Friday, December 17, 2010

Full Position in Genzyme

I’m done with Genzyme (Ticker: GENZ)… I’m done backing up the truck in Genzyme stock that is! Now, I have a full position and it’s time to sit back and watch the high stakes poker game. Seriously, we’re really close to the finish line with Sanofi-Aventis (Ticker: SNY) looking to acquire Genzyme. Sanofi has a plan in place and will execute it in January. Meanwhile, Genzyme will make a last ditch effort to convince people of the value in Campath for MS next week. The players are slowly revealing their hands…


At December 18, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who are you?

At December 18, 2010, Blogger Money Turtle said...

Please refer to my profile. I'm just someone who enjoys investing and making $$$.

At December 19, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mt
pet peeve!

It looks like you don't trust people...using word verification...wasting 30 seconds, at $200 an hour, that's a $1.50 you owe everybody back. Karma, it'll come back to you.
It's just my pet peeve...other's probably don't give a hoot.
btw, I'm Long V and MA as well...only a fool, would pass up this chance to own them at these prices.

At January 03, 2011, Anonymous 7stockmarkets said...

excellent sharing.


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