Sunday, February 02, 2025

January 2025 Report

The New Year has started out with a dud with the portfolio generating a return of -2.61%. This can be attributed to Constellation Brands (down ~ 18.2%) and Apple (down ~ 5.8%). Constellation Brands sold off on disappointing earnings and the upcoming tariffs on Mexico. Hopefully, the tariffs are just temporary, and things can get back to normal. If Constellation Brands sells off more, I will start adding to the position as its valuation is very attractive and the stock has priced in so much bad news. Apple needs to get its AI implemented in additional countries before people start upgrading their older iPhones, but I have confidence in Apple getting this done. What saved the portfolio was Visa, which gained ~ 8.2%. Visa has done nothing for almost 2 years and finally came back to life, so patience does pay off. So, maintaining ~ 10% cash position and will see how things play out.

Yes, still messing around with selling short Puts to generate some additional income. I’m getting more nervous as investor sentiment is at its high point, which can lead to a nice market correction. I’ve been using 50% plus of my margin buying power with the naked puts, which is in the danger zone so I may back off a bit. I’ve been lucky so far with picking up pennies in front of the steam roller.

In the Chinese Zodiac, this is the year of the snake so one needs to be extremely cautious with their investments.

2025 Performance = - 2.61% with the running monthly returns as follows:

January - 2.61%


At February 15, 2025, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you front run Berkshire with STZ? He got over 5million shares now

At February 17, 2025, Blogger Money Turtle said...

I was waiting patiently for STZ to settle down (base a bit) before adding. It's just been a falling knife. Maybe this is the catalysts that the stock needs to reverse course. What's weird is that Constellation must manufacture the mexican beer in Mexico based on the antitrust settlement when ABI acquired Grupo Modelo. ABI even manufactures Corona in China.


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