Friday, February 04, 2022

January 2022 Performance

The New Year has certainly started off with a bust. I thought I would be down much more, but I will take a -0.68% loss for the month. I guess I’m lucky to have a large percentage of the portfolio in Apple, Visa and Constellation Brands. All of these companies reported good numbers resulting in a nice bounce in the stock price. My biggest disappointment is in Ginkgo Bioworks, which experienced a 31% decline for the month and over a 60% decline from its all-time highs. Ginkgo Bioworks will take a few years to evolve so I’m patient with this one.

I did play the Activision Blizzard / Microsoft deal by selling some Short Puts. I made a tiny bit playing the weekly options, but I didn’t have the conviction to go big. It’s a very hairy deal so I’ll wait for a more opportune time to play this one. I continued to sell naked Puts on Tesla and got margined called a few times due to the increased volatility. The broker dictates everything when you are on margin. I still managed to make some $, but your eye needs to be glued to the screen to minimize a potential blow up.

I’m pretty much on a holding pattern for now and seeing how aggressive the Fed is in raising rates. As the saying goes: Don’t fight the Fed.


2022 Performance = -0.68% with the running monthly returns as follows:

January -0.68%


At February 16, 2022, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MNST and STZ? booz weed and energy drink. what can go wrong?

At February 21, 2022, Blogger Money Turtle said...

A perfect combination! :)


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