Altera = Done Deal
It’s nice to see that MOFCOM finally approved Intel’s (Ticker: INTC) acquisition of Altera (Ticker: ALTR). This deal is scheduled to close on December 28th and I anticipate the cash to hit my account by December 30th. I was starting to worry that this could drag out to February. With Altera I was able to generate a net gain of 7.16% (annualized gain of 22.82%). So far December is looking ok with several deals closing such as Integrated Silicon Solution and WuXi Pharmatech.
I had closed out Altera at 53.3 to concentrate on Cablevision Systems and Perrigo. The spread on CVC was getting too tempting (20% at one pt) that I abandoned my big altera position. I was sure Altera shld close at most by late jan but i didn't anticipate mofcom to be so quick. It was a nice surprise for those who hang on to altera! With the closure of suddenlink, I tink CVC shld be straightforward too. Only big risk is the financial health of Altice.
Perrigo..hmm..still very sad case but i still believe they are undervalued so still invested and concentrated. I hope their recent acquisitions will pay off during the earnings!
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