The Whales Have Filed (13F-HR)
The three big whales, which I follow have posted their 13F-HR filings with the SEC. Here is John Paulson’s (click: here), Carl Icahn’s (click: here) and Ralph Whitworth’s (click: here). I follow John Paulson to check out his arb holdings. The only holding that caught my eye is his position in 3Com Corp. (Ticker: COMS). I’m considering increasing my holding in 3Com, but we’ll see. Now moving onto the activist investors: Icahn and Whitworth… They both backed up the truck in Genzyme Corp. (Ticker: GENZ). The big question is whether Icahn will put Genzyme into play with a proxy fight. It’s starting to look like a proxy fight is brewing with his ~ 4.8 million share stake in the company. Whitworth not to be outdone by Icahn increased his stake in the company to ~10.5 million shares from 6.9 million shares. This is some serious $$$. Genzyme reports tomorrow morning… I’m sure the whales will be listening in with their wallets.
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