Friday, March 27, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Yeah, I do have a real job and it's been very busy lately. I did manage to do a few trades, but nothing exciting. After the Genentech (Ticker: DNA) close, I have no more arb plays. Sooo disappointed! I'm just sitting back and waiting for the next arb play so I can pounce all over it. I took some profits in Goldman Sachs (Ticker: GS) yesterday, generating a net gain of ~ 27% including the gains on the covered call positions (the gain was ~ 19% when I exclude the covered call gains). The Goldman Sachs position was purchased on 10/30/08 @ $92.66 and sold on 3/26/09 @ $110.10. My only mistake this year was Forsys Metals (Ticker: FOSYF.PK)... So no complains, it's been a good year so far.


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