TD Ameritrade Down AGAIN!
What’s going on with TD Ameritrade? Can't log on! This is not the way to run an on line brokerage business. Reliability is a must. Their excuse is network problems related to the system integration between Ameritrade and TD Waterhouse… blah… blah…blah… This is the second time this year where they had this issue. They should have learned something from the first time around. I’m just a bit annoyed. I’m going to take my business elsewhere.
E-trade isn't much better. A few days ago I posted a buy order at 8:28 a.m. It didn't get executed until 8:45! What was their excuse? "The trading floor hadn't fully opened yet"
What a lame excuse.
TD customers are supposed to have more integration of the websites in December and then the clearinghouse will get changed over on the New Years weekend from what I was told by a TD person, so expect more bumps in the road.
I've been a TD customer since 1998, and after the password debacle last spring I have to say that I really like Fidelity who is cheaper, has WAY better fixed income offerings IMHO, and I'm getting over a 5% difference on cash in a Margin account.
I also have an account with Fidelity and they're top notch. I'm starting to move some cash to Fidelity. TD Ameritrade gave me one free trade for the web site problem. Biggg... Dealll... That's not enough.
I have been with TD Waterhouse for over 20 years. I recently closed out
all accounts except those with mutual
funds which could not be moved to
another brokerage. Their lack of
service and features finally justified
the move to Fidelity brokerage.
Jay C.
it is down yet again today 9/17/08 go to for info on this new outage!
"TD Ameritrade and Fidelity are BOTH owned by the Johnson Holding Company. This MUST be a violation of anti-trust laws. I am an ex-employee and can verify that the papers I signed when hired said that I was becoming an employee of the Johnson Holding Company-i.e. the SAME PEOPLE who own Fidelity investments, whom I also worked for. If you are REALLY SERIOUS about stock trading- don't work for or trade with either of these LOSERS!"
NOVEMBER 13, 2008 - Ameritrade down for the last hour - what's up!
"When they are down, RAISE HELL! Tell them you are losing money and ask for at LEAST 100 free trades.
Don't EVEN TALK to the MORONS who can only give you 5 free trades!" And do not only call the listed Ft. Worth DIRECT and DEMAND to SPEAK TO A MANAGER...Here, I will help you out... ASK FOR 'Jason Cargill, Brian 'BULLFROG' Daniel, Paul Thurston, Josh Monaco, Josh Choate, Yo-HANN ONNEN, David-THE-LOSER-HENDERSHOTT or Tina McMillan (a DWARF!) "THINK AGAIN BEFORE YOU HIRE PEOPLE...I AM 'POISONING THE WELL!!" "MAY G-D MAKE IT SO!!"
The 'STRANGE' thing about TDA is spite of repeated problems with their computer capacity, they seem to TOTALLY IGNORE what it takes to keep a viable web-site going. As a former employee, I can say that after being a 'SERIES 7 'TELEPHONE SLAVE', THESE PEOPLE do not do ONE THING to solve their computer problems. It reminds me of those newsreels from the 1970's where they show overloaded lifeboats full of Cuban 'BOAT PEOPLE' refugees capsizing for lack of capacity. I can tell you as a former Ameritrade employee...Do...NOT...Do...NOT...HOLD YOUR BREATH!" "If you have a BRAIN? Move your money to ANYWHERE but TD AMERITRADE!"
"Fidelity is 'SUCH a GOOD COMPANY?" JUST 'HOW' CAN I 'PARTAKE' in it without marrying Amy Johnson?..........???????? Since they are a private company that I cannot invest in? (ANSWER??) Just INVEST IN 'AMTD'...SHE 'OWNS' THAT ONE AS WELL!!"
Nov 24: 5:43 PM PT - Its down again
"Just look at the 'Fidelity' pyramid and the 'TD AMERITRADE' PYRAMID LOGOS!!" WHY aren't they 'SUING' EACH OTHER? "It is because BOTH COMPANIES are owned by the 'JOHNSON HOLDING COMPANY'!" I am a former employee and I can tell you... DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY OR YOUR TIME investing with EITHER OF THESE 'LOSERS!!"
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