J. Crew IPO
Looks like the next hot IPO will be J. Crew, which is expected to go public in two weeks. They’re doing the dog and pony show right now. TheStreet.com has a good write up on the J. Crew IPO; click: here for the article. I’m going to try to get my hands on a few shares.
I am a small investor and would like to participate in IPO's. Could you please guide me with regards to this?
The rules in US seem to be very arcane compared to India,where I am from. In India small investors are specifically encouraged to pick up shares in IPos unlike in the US where you need very deep pockets and long standing relationships with brokers.
I practically called up every broker to get a few shares in Mastercard IPO. However, every one refused. Any guidance with regards to the forthcoming IPOs will be appreciated.
You need to open a brokerage account with a firm that deals with IPOs. Many discount brokerages will offer IPOs. TD Ameritrade, Fidelity Investments, E*Trade, etc generally have IPO allocations. There's a minimal account balance and of course it helps if you do a bit of business with the firm. With a hot IPO, it's very difficult for a small investor to receive any allocation. You just have to be really lucky. You can also check out the investment banks such as Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, etc... For more info on IPOs check out: www.ipohome.com
Good Luck!
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