Thursday, March 02, 2006

More Amgen, Less Qiagen

I’ve been very busy with work and haven’t had much time to check out the market. I did manage to sneak in a small transaction in my IRA today. I sold Qiagen (Ticker: QGEN) and used the proceeds to pick up some more Amgen (Ticker: AMGN). I really like the fundamentals and the chart of Amgen. Amgen is repurchasing a ton of stock and it just broke above its 200-day moving average. Qiagen was purchased in May 1999 at a split adjusted price of $9.85 and sold today at $15.03 with a ~52% gain. Qiagen really took off in the past week and it’s due for a little rest here. A 52% gain may sound good, but a 52% gain over an ~ 7 year period is not so good... Anyways, I still like Qiagen a lot. I have a nice position in Qiagen in my non-retirement account and I plan to hang onto those for a while.


At March 04, 2006, Blogger Wandering Monk said...

Check out the Blockbuster in that space - Amylin.
Good posts and please keep them coming!


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