Monday, September 12, 2005

Trouble in Invitrogen?

The recent sell off in Invitrogen (IVGN) has worried me a bit. Stocks selling off hard with no news and an up market is usually a bad sign. I purchased this stock in 1999 when it came public. My cost basis is around $12 so I've done ok with it over the years. I did sell some in my IRA, but I still have a bit in my non retirement account. Hopefully it will find support around $75 (its 200 day moving average). I'm not doing anything yet, but keeping a very close eye on it.


At September 19, 2005, Blogger Jade said...

How's Invitrogen doing? I have been using quite a lot of products from this company.

Thank you for your comment. I was rather surprised because I didn't expect it and if I would, I would had expected from the other turtle. :) Actually I've been reading your blog. It provides a different perspective to me yet I find it so intriguing. I'm trying to follow the business side of biotech companies every now and then. I did a major in biotech at college before heading to academic research. I like this part of the profession too. But I'm not good in number-crunching and financial planning/analysis. You've been giving me free tutorial here. Thanks. :)

At September 19, 2005, Blogger Money Turtle said...

Invitrogen has been acquiring a lot of companies and they've been pretty good at it (i.e. Life Technology / Gibco). Most of their acquisitions add to their earnings. I orginally purchased Invitrogen because I was always using their TA TOPO cloning kits. This was wayyy back in 1999.

The one thing I missed most in academia was the freedom. You basically ran the show. In industry everything is very structured.

My only financial advice to you. Start investing when you're young. You won't regret it...

At September 20, 2005, Blogger Jade said...

What about life in your profession? I've only came across 2 people incl. you so far whom have a science background and then working in the stock investment industry. The first person I've came across was from a career seminar I attended last year and he's from London.

I would really love to start investing soon. But it's pretty difficult for a grad student and it's even tougher for beginners. Any advice re: this? :)

BTW, I used the same TOPO cloning kit 2 yrs ago while working as an RA. It's such a cool product.

At September 20, 2005, Blogger Money Turtle said...

Oh no, I’m not employed in the financial services sector. I’ve thought about it, but decided not to pursue it for a variety of reasons. I’ve been working for a biotech company for the past 7+ years, doing stuff more on the operations side. Corporate finance is intriguing so I may give that a try if the opportunity arises.

Since you work for a non profit, they should offer a 403B retirement plan. If so, I would start there and slowly build up your contribution. The contributions are pre tax and the gains are tax deferred until retirement.

At September 20, 2005, Blogger Jade said...

Oh, I thought you were working in the financial sector. What sort of operations stuff you're working on, if you don't mind being a bit more precise. :)
I'm not in the USA now. No retirement plans for grad students here.


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